The position, also known as "Wheelbarrow", is a variant of the "Single Yawning Position"
The woman lies comfortably on her back and then pulls her thighs towards the chest - the upper and lower legs form approximately a right angle.
The "Tiger Position" is available in two verients, the "open" and the "closed".
This position is also called "Pressing Position" because the Woman presses her partner firmly between her thighs while he penetrates her.
The position is particularly suitable for advanced users, as it requires a lot of strength and flexibility.
Especially in the more difficult version, the "Oyster" requires a lot of strength and flexibility.
The technique, also known as "Turning Position", is very dynamic, because the man rotates 180 degrees on his beloved.
The following position is quite demanding for both partners, because it requires strength and flexibility for both.